Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad (EEPB) (born 1949) has worked 42 year full- or part time as a GP, is further educated as a family therapist IAP, specialist in clinical sexology NACS and professor in sexology at the University of Agder since 2011. EEPB has been present both professionally and privately in the Norwegian public since the early 1990’ies. Over the years Benestad has earned reputation also internationally as lecturer both in the professional and lay world. Hir has numerous presentations, articles, newspaper articles, textbooks, book chapters, interviews, you-tube clips, TV interviews concerning sexological issues, especially issues concerning gender incongruence. Since 2018 EEPB has been the Secretary General of the European Federation for Sexology (EFS). Hir is the proud father of two, grandparent of five, happily married to another professor of sexology, Elsa Almås, and considers hirself transgifted.